This website was conceived because an officer of the law (a sergeant in fact) was recorded on film, PUNCHING an innocent man FIVE times.The man had been pinned to the ground by another officer, whilst being punched.
This man had committed no crime and was not offering any form of violent resistance or running away. The only thing he did was question why he was stopped, several times. The officer later admitted on film that ' I PUNCHED him as hard as I could' This behaviour is against the law.
Police can only use REASONABLE FORCE and ONLY WHEN THERE IS RESISTANCE TO ARREST. This young man was offering no resistance other than to ask 'for what',(that is all) as he had not committed a crime.
We believe this officer is a danger to the public and needs to be removed from Police service and put in front of a judge and jury for Assault as any other person would be.