BELOW is footage taken by Rachelle Henry the witness (it is on her facebook page) This footage is in the hands of the independent police complaints commission
FOOTAGE ONE (2 min 43)
Black man and white friend stopped by two officers, one is a sergeant. Black man asked to put hands behind his back. # Note: white man not asked. Black man asks 'for what?' (reasonable question, he had done nothing wrong) he repeats the question 5 times. The officers say 'while we find out what is going on' at this point he is grappled by the police.
The black man is thrown to the floor violently, held down face in the dirt, whilst the SERGEANT punched him 3 time , stopped and then punched him a further two times.
Whilst this is happening his white friend pleads for them to stop, He is telling them that the bike (motorbike) belongs to his friend and the keys are in his pocket. AT THiS POINT Rachelle Henry goes downstairs to continue filming.
Watch the SERGEANT's body language, his facial expresion and listen to his tone of voice. In the footage you will see that the SERGEANT is not in control at all, becoming more agressive and agitated. The sergeant says 'LISTEN..STOP,..I AM TALKING NOW.' Look at this mans face, he is ANGRY, he is also speaking to Rachelle in an aggravated manner.
The officer claims the VICTIM was resisting, (a lie) you can see in the footage he is not, other than he turns his body slightly when he is grappled to the ground
The victim of this assault ends up on the floor, He is obviosly hurt and in shock.
FOOTAGE TWO (3 min 21)
Sergeant sitting with victim, NO FIRST AID administered. NO first aid box is avilable anywhere (police should have a first aid box available especially if an incident incuring injuries is reported) The sergeant asks is the bike serviced? (an act of despirtion as the victim has done no illigl act) then asks are the keys there. He then starts to try to tlk his way out of the situation. At one minute into the footage the VICTIM says on camera, it was a racist attack. The sergeant that commited the assault continues to speak with his victim,Rachelle Henry is correct in her assesment that this is a conflict of interest.
The victim falls on his side... his body is obviously in shock, the victim is definatly unwell/hurt. An officer off camera, can be heard going SHHHHH to Rachelle while she is speaking. Rachelle points her finger at the officer who commited the crime and he immediatly says 'i find that threatening' (pointing a finger scares a policeman apparently)
FOOTAGE FOUR (3 min 41)
Officers discussing something then looks like checking the licence.victim stll lying on ground NOT MOVING, seargeant goes off to get his bycycle, Victim sits up on his return , seargeant says to him you will feel a lot better is you have a drink of water. Seargeant makes jokes rachelle calls ambulance. Seargeant talking to another officer OVER his victim who is sitting on the ground, still unable to stand.
FOOTAGE FIVE (3 min 47)
FOOTAGE SEVEN (22 min 06)